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  本文是为大家整理的大学体育主题相关的10篇外文毕业论文文献, 包括5篇期刊论文,5篇学位论文,为大学体育选题相关人员撰写毕业论文提供参考。

  1.[期刊论文]Research on College Physical Education and Sports Training Based on Virtual Reality Technology


  期刊:《Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications》 | 2021 年第 a 期

  摘要:With the continuous development of society and the rapid development of science and technology, virtual reality technology is also developing rapidly. It has been widely used in all walks of life and is playing an irreplaceable role. Modern education has also begun to integrate with science. Sports are also constantly deepening the application of information technology. In order to make students have a new understanding of college physical education and sports training and improve the technical level and training quality of college sports athletes, this paper studies the application of virtual reality technology in physical education and sports training. In this paper, the semisupervised framework is used to implement motion input and interactive virtual scene algorithms. First, based on Q statistics, virtual simulation and differential selection algorithms are used to select athletic students with strong autonomous learning ability and then use the classifier’s neighbor confidence. The formula selects the student with the highest learning level and marks it. Experimental results show that this method can effectively assist physical education activities and improve students’ learning efficiency. Students’ efficiency in sports has increased by 30%. At the same time, 2/3 of people believe that their interest in sports training has increased 80% and another 90% of college coaches believe that the use of virtual reality technology in physical education is very necessary, which can improve the technical level and training quality of college sports athletes and contribute to the reserve of Chinese competitive sports talents.




  2.[期刊论文]A Benford Analysis of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Finance Data


  期刊:《Journal of Sports Economics》 | 2020 年第 3 期

  摘要:The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) database and the USA Today NCAA athletics department finance database are two of the most commonly used databases for scholars, policy makers, and other constituents interested in studying the economics of college athletics. Many in the higher education community, however, question the validity of these databases. This study used Benford's Law of First Digits as a tool for spotting irregularities in EADA and USA Today college athletics financial data. After reviewing 5 years of data, the findings show that while there was some slight deviation from Benford's Law, EADA and USA Today data largely conformed to the expectations of Benford's Law.

  摘要翻译:《体育信息披露法案》(EADA)数据库和《今日美国》 NCAA体育部门财务数据库是学者,政策制定者和其他对研究大学体育经济学感兴趣的人员的两个最常用数据库。但是,高等教育界中的许多人质疑这些数据库的有效性。这项研究使用本福德的《第一位数定律》作为发现EADA和《今日美国》大学体育财务数据中违规行为的工具。在回顾了5年的数据之后,研究结果表明,尽管与本福德定律略有偏差,但EADA和《今日美国》的数据在很大程度上符合本福德定律的期望。

  关键词:NCAA;finance;Benford's Law




  3.[期刊论文]Do university sports function as advertising in the Japanese higher education market? An analysis of the Hakone Ekiden long-distance relay road race


  期刊:《Pacific economic review》 | 2019 年第 5 期

  摘要:The Hakone Ekiden, a university-level long-distance relay race, is the premier New Year's sporting event in Japan. It is held immediately prior to the university application period. Using panel data for 2001 to 2015, I examined how this race influences the number of applicants for university entrance examinations. The major finding is that applicants per intake for a particular department in a university was 0.7 points larger when that university participated in the current year's race than when it did not. However, the effect of participating in the previous year's race was not observed. Furthermore, the effect increased when the department of the university was more difficult to enter or was located in Tokyo. This reveals that prestigious universities participating in the race give students a casual motivation to take an entrance examination of the university without regard for their chances of passing.




  4.[期刊论文]Elbow Injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes: A 5-Season Epidemiological Study


  期刊:《Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine》 | 2019 年第 8 期

  摘要:Background: Little research has focused on the rates and patterns of elbow injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student-athletes. Purpose: To describe the epidemiological patterns of elbow injuries in NCAA athletes during 5 seasons over the academic years 2009 through 2014 using the NCAA Injury Surveillance Program (NCAA-ISP) database. Study Design: Descriptive epidemiology study. Methods: A voluntary convenience sample of NCAA varsity teams from 11 sports was examined to determine the rates and patterns of elbow injuries. Rates and distributions of elbow injuries were identified within the context of sport, event type, time in season, mechanism, time lost from sport, surgical treatment, and injury type. Rates of injury were calculated as the number of injuries divided by the total number of athlete-exposures (AEs). An AE was defined as any student participation in 1 NCAA-sanctioned practice or competition with an inherent risk of exposure to potential injury. Injury rate ratios (IRRs) and injury proportion ratios (IPRs) were then calculated to compare the rates within and between sports by event type, season, sex, mechanism, surgical treatment, and time lost from sport. Comparisons between sexes were made using only sports data that had both male and female samples. Results: Overall, 373 elbow injuries were reported in the NCAA-ISP data set during the 2009-2010 through 2013-2014 academic years among 11 varsity sports. The overall rate of injury was 1.76 per 10,000 AEs. The rate of elbow injuries in men was 0.74 per 10,000 AEs, while women experienced injuries at a rate of 0.63 per 10,000 AEs. In sex-comparable sports, men were 1.17 times more likely to experience an elbow injury compared with women. Men’s wrestling (6.00/10,000 AEs) and women’s tennis (1.86/10,000 AEs) were the sports with the highest rates of elbow injuries by sex, respectively. The top 3 highest injury rates overall occurred in men’s wrestling, baseball, and tennis. Elbow injuries were 3.5 times more likely to occur during competition compared with practice. Athletes were 0.76 times less likely to sustain an elbow injury during the preseason compared with in-season. Contact events were the most common mechanism of injury (67%). For sex-comparable sports, men were 2.41 times more likely than women to have contact as their injury mechanism (95% CI, 0.78-7.38). The majority of athletes missed less than 24 hours of participation time (67%), and only a minority (3%) of patients with elbow injuries went on to have surgical intervention. Elbow ulnar collateral ligament injuries were most common (26% of total injuries). Conclusion: Analysis of the study data demonstrated a significant rate of elbow injuries, 1.76 injuries per 10,000 AEs in NCAA collegiate athletes. Higher injury rates can be expected in males within sex-comparable sports. Elbow injuries are most common in the setting of competitions and most commonly occur secondary to contact-type mechanisms. Injuries were more likely to occur during in-season play. The majority of injuries required less than 24 hours of time away from sport and did not require surgical intervention.

  摘要翻译:背景:很少有研究集中在美国大学体育协会(NCAA)学生运动员的肘部受伤率和方式上。目的:使用NCAA伤害监测计划(NCAA-ISP)数据库,描述2009年至2014学年5个季节中NCAA运动员肘部损伤的流行病学模式。研究设计:描述性流行病学研究。方法:检查了来自11个运动项目的NCAA校队的自愿性便利样本,以确定肘部受伤的发生率和方式。在运动,事件类型,季节时间,机制,运动损失的时间,手术治疗和损伤类型的背景下确定了肘部损伤的发生率和分布。受伤率计算为受伤次数除以运动员暴露(AE)总数。 AE被定义为任何学生参加1次NCAA认可的练习或竞赛,并具有遭受潜在伤害的固有风险。然后计算伤害发生率(IRR)和伤害发生率(IPR),以按事件类型,季节,性别,机制,手术治疗和运动损失的时间来比较运动中及其之间的发生率。性别比较仅使用具有男性和女性样本的体育数据进行。结果:在11项大学运动的2009-2010年至2013-2014学年期间,NCAA-ISP数据集中报告了373例肘部受伤。总体伤害率为每10,000例AE 1.76例。男性的肘部受伤率为每10,000 AEs 0.74,而女性的受伤率为每10,000 AEs 0.63。在可比性运动中,男性受到肘部伤害的可能性是女性的1.17倍。男子摔跤(6.00 / 10,000 AEs)和女子网球(1.86 / 10,000 AEs)分别是按性别列出的肘部受伤率最高的运动。总体上,受伤率最高的前三名是男子摔跤,棒球和网球。比赛中肘部受伤的可能性是练习的3.5倍。与季节相比,运动员在赛季前遭受肘部受伤的可能性要低0.76倍。接触事件是最常见的伤害机制(67%)。对于具有可比性的运动,男性因接触受伤的可能性比女性高2.41倍(95%CI,0.78-7.38)。大多数运动员错过了不到24小时的参与时间(67%),只有少数(3%)的肘部受伤患者接受了手术干预。肘尺侧副韧带损伤最常见(占总损伤的26%)。结论:对研究数据的分析表明,在NCAA大学生运动员中,肘部损伤的发生率很高,每10,000例AEs有1.76例损伤。可比性运动中男性的受伤率更高。肘部损伤在比赛中最常见,最常见于继发式机制之后。在赛季比赛中受伤的可能性更高。大多数受伤需要在不到24小时的时间内进行,并且不需要手术干预。

  关键词:elbow injuriesNCAAcollegiate athletesepidemiology




  5.[期刊论文]Concussion Management in United States College Sports Compliance With National Collegiate Athletic Association Concussion Policy and Areas for Improvement


  期刊:《American Journal of Sports Medicine》 | 2015 年第 1 期

  摘要:Background: In 2010, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) adopted its Concussion Policy and Legislation, which applies to more than 450,000 collegiate athletes annually. To date, there has been no examination of school-level compliance with the NCAA Concussion Policy.


  关键词:concussion;NCAA;health policy;college


  链接:https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/journal-foreign-detail/070402994818.html大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!


  6.[学位论文]Examining the Knowledge and Perceptions of Division II Collegiate Athletic Administrators, Staff, and Coaches Regarding Gender Equity and Title IX Standards






  7.[学位论文]A Comparative Study of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Football Gift-Incentive Infractions and Race/Ethnicity.


  摘要:In today's collegiate sports realm, university athletic compliance officials, coaches, and players are committing multiple rule violations/infractions of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) rules. In recent cases involving high-profile minority student-athletes and programs, several Division I institutions were penalized for cheating and major infractions of NCAA rules on gifts/incentives. There is evidence based on NCAA actions that student-athletes commit infractions such as academic integrity violations, receiving extra benefits, and/or impermissible gifts and financial funds. The purpose of this quantitative comparative study was to examine differences that existed for NCAA gift-incentive violations based on the minority race/ethnicity composition of 128 NCAA Division I football programs. Archival data were gathered from secondary records using purposive sampling method from the NCAA Legislative Services Database (LSDBi) and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Data analysis employed a Kruskal-Wallis test for hypothesis testing using SPSS analysis software大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. No statistical difference was discerned for the hypothesis between gift/incentive infractions at NCAA Division I football institutions/programs and minority race/ethnicity composition (p = .606). Recommendations for future research included a qualitative case study with minority student-athletes at NCAA Division I Football programs found to have engaged in cheating and major infractions of NCAA rules on gifts, incentives, and inappropriate benefits to determine how they dealt with consequences, and a qualitative case study to explore perceptions of coaches and football program leadership at NCAA Division I football programs that committed prior infractions to explore the impact of national attention and media exposure for NCAA gift-incentive infractions.

  摘要翻译:在当今的大学体育界,大学运动合规官员,教练和运动员正在犯有违反国家大学体育协会(NCAA)规则的多项规则。在最近涉及少数族裔学生运动员和计划的案例中,一些I类机构因作弊和严重违反NCAA礼品/奖励规则而受到处罚大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。根据NCAA的行为,有证据表明学生运动员犯有违规行为,例如违反学术诚信,获得额外利益和/或不允许的礼物和财务资金。这项定量比较研究的目的是基于128个NCAA I类足球项目的少数种族/民族组成,检查存在违反NCAA礼物激励行为的差异。档案数据是使用NCAA立法服务数据库(LSDBi)和综合专上教育数据系统(IPEDS)的有目的抽样方法从中学记录中收集的。数据分析使用SPSS分析软件对Kruskal-Wallis检验进行假设检验。在NCAA第一类足球机构/计划的礼物/奖励违规行为与少数族裔/种族构成之间的假设之间没有统计学差异(p = .606)。对未来研究的建议包括:对NCAA第一分校的少数学生运动员进行定性案例研究,发现该足球课程涉及作弊行为,并且严重违反了NCAA关于礼品,奖励和不当利益的规则,以确定他们如何处理后果,以及定性案例研究,以探讨NCAA第一类足球计划中教练和足球计划领导者的看法,这些计划犯有先前的违规行为,以探讨举国关注和媒体曝光对NCAA礼物激励违规行为的影响。


  学科:Educational leadership.




  8.[学位论文]A short treatise on Sports Antitrust Law: Why the Supreme Court of the United States should have granted the petition for writ of certiorari in Edward O'Bannon, Jr., et al. versus National Collegiate Athletic Association

  标题翻译:关于体育反托拉斯法的简短论文:为什么美国最高法院应该在小爱德华·奥·班农(Edward O'Bannon,Jr.)等人的书面要求书上批准书状。与国家大学体育协会

  摘要:By most accounts, intercollegiate sporting contests commenced in 1852 with a boat race between Yale and Harvard on Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire (Reyburn, 2013). The first intercollegiate baseball game was played in 1859 between Amherst and Williams (Reyburn, 2013). The first college football game was between Rutgers and Princeton in 1869 (Gubi, 2011; Resvine, 2014). Since their inception, problems and issues arose with respect to safety, recruiting, compensation, sportsmanship, and commercialism. In response, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) was formed in 1905 (originally Intercollegiate Athletic Association); over 111 years thereafter it still vehemently litigates concordant with its traditional and foundational amateurism model of collegiate sports. In October 2016, the Supreme Court denied review of O'Bannon v. NCAA: an antitrust case filed by former UCLA basketball star and 1995 Final Four MVP, Edward O'Bannon. Jr., and others, who petitioned seeking compensation for name, image and likeness rights which resulted in the first decision by a federal court to hold that NCAA amateur rules violated the Sherman Antitrust Act. This study examined the following: (1) the history and purpose of the NCAA as well as antitrust laws; (2) why the Supreme Court should have granted review of O'Bannon and how this will impact the current crisis and uncertainty with respect to the rights and responsibilities of the respective parties inclusive of the NCAA in its role in intercollegiate sports; (3) the relevant albeit discordant and balkanized federal court jurisprudence involving the NCAA, and (4) the policies, morality, and pragmatic considerations of the aforementioned issues, inclusive of amateurism, eligibility rules, and compensation of college athletes within the educational institution of higher learning.

  摘要翻译:多数人认为,大学间体育竞赛始于1852年,当时耶鲁大学和哈佛大学在新罕布什尔州的温尼伯索基湖之间进行了划船比赛(Reyburn,2013年)。 1859年,阿默斯特(Amherst)和威廉姆斯(Williams)举行了首届大学间棒球比赛(Reyburn,2013)。 1869年,第一场大学橄榄球比赛是在罗格斯和普林斯顿之间进行的(Gubi,2011年; Resvine,2014年)。自成立以来,出现了与安全,征聘,薪酬,体育精神和商业主义有关的问题。作为回应,1905年成立了全国大学体育协会(NCAA)(最初是大学间体育协会)。在此之后的111年中,它仍然按照其传统和基础的大学体育业余模式大力提起诉讼。 2016年10月,最高法院否认对O'Bannon诉NCAA案的复审:前UCLA篮球明星和1995年最后四名MVP Edward O'Bannon提起的反托拉斯案。小和其他人,他们请求赔偿名称,图像和肖像权,这导致联邦法院首次裁定NCAA业余规则违反了《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》。这项研究检查了以下内容:(1)NCAA的历史和目的以及反托拉斯法; (2)最高法院为何应批准对O'Bannon的审查,以及这将如何影响当前的危机和不确定性,包括NCAA在各大学之间的体育运动中所涉各方的权利和责任; (3)涉及NCAA的相关不和谐和不公正的判例,以及(4)上述问题的政策,道德和务实考虑,包括业余精神,资格规则以及美国教育机构内大学运动员的薪酬高等学习。


  学科:Sports Management.




  9.[学位论文]Examining the Relative Age Effect and Influence of Academic Timing on Participation in Canadian Interuniversity Sport








  摘要:The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) was founded in 1906 in an attempt to control the widespread violence in college football. Since its beginning the NCAA has grown from an organization that standardized sports rules and conducted tournaments to a regulatory body that today controls virtually all aspects of college sports in which males participate. In addition to restricting the number of athletic contests produced (and where they may be televised) and establishing strict rules limiting the compensation paid to student-athletes for their services the NCAA maintains a Department of Enforcement which investigates alleged violations of its rules and penalizes the violators.;The question posed at the outset is how to model the behavior of the NCAA and college athletics. The interpretation offered in this dissertation is that the NCAA has helped engineer an efficient cartel in college athletics with restrictions in the output (athletic contests) and the input (student-athletes) market. To counter the standard cartel cheating problem the NCAA has also developed an enforcement mechanism. But unlike a cartel in the business world the intercollegiate cartel operates in a non-profit setting and, therefore, implications based on this difference are developed in this dissertation.;This dissertation is an industry study of college athletics. The introductory chapter details the specific questions this study addresses and contrasts the possible explanations for the organization of intercollegiate athletics. The second, third, fourth, and fifth chapters trace the history of the NCAA. Based on the wealth of evidence presented the fifth chapter concludes that cartel theory offers the most plausible explanation for the actions of the NCAA.;Given that cartel theory provides the best explanation for intercollegiate athletics, the sixth chapter examines the internal functioning of the NCAA and explores the actions an efficient cartel monitor should undertake to ensure the limiting agreements are followed. The seventh chapter details the legal issues and resulting economic implications that pertain to intercollegiate athletics. The last chapter summarizes and highlights the major results of this dissertation.



  学科:Economic history.





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